Academic Calendars & Application Deadlines

Application Deadlines

Fall Semesters – March 30

Spring Semesters – October 10 of the preceding year for the pre-application phase. October 15 of the preceding year to submit all application materials, including the program deposit.

In addition to SiPN’s deadlines, applicants should consult their home school’s application deadlines. Both deadlines should be respected and addressed.



SiPN Program Calendar - AY 2024/2025

SiPN Semester Program – Focus on Social Sciences, Humanities, and Business provides our students with full access to Lisbon’s 4 top universities.

Spring 2025*

January 26-28 - Depart from U.S.
January 27-29 - Arrival day in Lisbon
January 29 to February 3 - Orientation Activities
Classes Start betweeen Januay 27 and February 10
Classes End between May 16-30*
May 31 - Departure Day - Students are not allowed to depart before this date

Fall 2024

August 31 - Depart from U.S.
September 1 - Arrival day in Lisbon
September 2 to 6 - Orientation Activities
Classes Start: TBA
Classes End: TBA
Dec 21 - Program ends -- Earliest departure to the U.S.
Dec 22 - Last day of SiPN Housing

(*) Please note that each university might have a slightly different academic calendar. Ensure you see your university’s academic calendar before choosing which university you would like to attend.
The SiPN Team will inform you of the date of your arrival according to the university you choose.

University's Academic Calendars


AY 2024/2025
Fall Semester – September 9 to December 20
Final Exams Period: Dec 16-20*

Spring Semester – February 3 to May 30
Final Exams Period: May 25-30*

*Please note this exam period applies only to SiPN and other international students who have such arrangements with ISCTE. All other ISCTE students will have the normal exam period happens in January or June.

UCP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa

AY 2023/2024

FCH – Faculdade Ciências Humanas/ School Of Human Sciences
Fall Semester – September 3 to December 19
Final Exams Period: Dec 12-18*

Spring Semester – February 3 to May 30
Final Exams Period: May 28-30*


CLSBE – Catolica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
Fall Semester – September 4 to December 21
Final Exams Period: Dec 13-21*

Spring Semester – January 27 to May 16
Final Exams Period: May 21-31*

*Please note this exam period applies only to SiPN and other American students at Universidade Católica. The normal exam period happens in January or June.

ULisboa - University of Lisbon

AY 2024/2025 

FLUL – Faculdade Letras / School of Arts & Human Sciences

Fall Semester – September 14 to December 23
Final Exams Period: Dec 16-23

Spring Semester – February 10 to May 30
Final Exams Period: May 22-30


ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics & Management

Fall Semester – September 9 to November 11
Final Exams Period: Dec 5 – Dec 21**

Spring Semester – January 27 to April 30
Final Exams Period: May 7 – May 22**


AY 2024/2025

Fall Semester – September 16 to December 20
Final Exams Period: Dec 18-20*

Spring Semester – February 10 to May 30
Final Exams Period: May 27-30*

*Please note this exam period applies only to SiPN and other American students at NOVA. The normal exam period happens in January or June