SiPN’s protocol with Portuguese Universities: renewal and new programs

FLAD and the University of Lisbon (one of the four SiPN Partner Universities) signed an agreement creating two new semester SiPN programs: SiPN Emerging Topics in STEM – Engineering, Technology, and Sustainability @ Instituto Superior Técnico-ULisboa and the SiPN Advanced Liberal Arts @Letras ULisboa.

Brief description of the programs:

SiPN Emerging Topics in STEM: Engineering, Technology, and Sustainability @ Instituto Superior Técnico-ULisboa

This program provides access to a selection of curricular units taught in English at Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST). Students may choose their coursework from among the following main areas:
Energy for the Future and Renewable Energy Systems
Engineering for Sustainability
Humanitarian Engineering

In addition to coursework, students can also opt to add an internship and/or research opportunity (for academic credit) in labs and various organizations that are linked to the Instituto Superior Técnico.

The program is aimed towards 3rd or 4th year university-level students with interest in areas related to Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Sustainability, among others. It is designed to provide students with scientific and technical skills in emerging areas that are crucial for addressing global challenges.

• SiPN Advanced Liberal Arts @Letras ULisboa

This SiPN Advanced Liberal Arts (ALA) program will take place at Faculdade de Letras-ULisboa. This program will allow students to choose from a list of 12 tracks on different topics included in the main areas of FL-UL: Linguistics, Philosophy, Archaeology, Art History, History, Classical and Literary Studies. These course concentrations will consist of relevantly selected courses taught in Portuguese, as well as a wide array of options taught in English.
In addition to regular coursework, students can choose to apply either for an internship or a research assistantship opportunity in one of the 10 research centers of the school.

These new programs will broaden SiPN program options for semester-long candidates and will be available on our website soon. SiPN will be accepting applications for the Fall 2022 edition and beyond.

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In order to make the search for these many options easier, we have organized your choices
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Finding Her in Heritage

Growing up with immigrant parents I guess you could say that I had a different upbringing compared to most of my peers. Of course, there were times when cultures would clash leaving me stuck between my Portuguese and American identities, but over time I learned to embrace the best of two worlds. I had always wanted to visit mainland Portugal, but I never thought that I would get to experience living here which has provided me with an even better experience than I could have imagined. Studying abroad wasn’t originally part of my academic plans, but here I am in my senior year and this is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Diane Fontes University of Massachusetts Dartmouth


Diane Fontes University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Finding Her in Heritage Growing up with immigrant parents I guess you could say that I had a different upbringing 

Life changing lecture

My brother had always encouraged me to study abroad and the start of my junior year seemed like the perfect time to start that adventure. I drew my inspiration for choosing Lisbon, Portugal from my anthropology professor and the many stories he told about living in Portugal and falling in love with the language, food, the people, and the culture. 

Natalie Castilleja
University of Missouri Kansas City


Natalie Castilleja
University of Missouri Kansas City

Life changing lecture My brother had always encouraged me to study abroad and the start of my junior year seemed 

From Grandparents to Me

Having grandparents from the Azores growing up, I thought I had a good understanding of Portuguese culture. I figured my trips to the Azores as a teenager, eating bacalhau and seeing my traditionally dressed grandmother cook octopus on Christmas made me an expert on the Portuguese experience. However when I arrived, I realized The Portuguese people are young, and Lisbon is culturally diverse and thriving city. 

Derek Robidoux
University of Massachusetts Amherst


Derek Robidoux
University of Massachusetts Amherst

From Grandparents to Me Having grandparents from the Azores growing up, I thought I had a good understanding of Portuguese 

Across Four Continents

Long story short, I received a scholarship for my study abroad but with the condition that I study in Bahia, Brazil. That year changed my life and lead me to study abroad another semester in Florianópolis Brazil and earn a minor in Portuguese. As an advanced speaker of Portuguese being in Lisbon is a dream come true to be living my day to day life in the Portuguese language. Even the walk to the grocery store is never dull when you are surrounded by history and smiling Portuguese faces. 

Samuel Orlowski
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee


Samuel Orlowski
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Across Four Continents Long story short, I received a scholarship for my study abroad but with the condition that I 

Another piece to the melting pot

Studying abroad seemed like the perfect opportunity to do this. I must admit, before coming to Portugal, if someone asked me where Lisbon was I would have had no clue. This however actually gives great insight as to why I chose Portugal as my study abroad destination. The chance to come to a place I had no knowledge of seemed like another great time to expose myself to beautiful new places, people, and things.

Liz Bovell
University of Connecticut


Liz Bovell
University of Connecticut

Another piece to the melting pot Studying abroad seemed like the perfect opportunity to do this. I must admit, before 

Happy coincidence

I started learning Portuguese by accident. I spent the majority of my life learning Spanish as a second language. Although my dad is from Peru, I never spoke Spanish with him growing up. I think this is how my love of languages arose. Frustrated that I never learned the language of my dad’s family, in school I dedicated myself to learning Spanish and to sounding as “Peruvian” as possible. Now, two and a half years later, I am a Spanish and Portuguese major studying abroad in Lisbon, Portugal. I never imagined that I would learn to speak Portuguese as quickly as I have, or that I would come to love the Portuguese-speaking world as much as I loved learning Spanish.

Claudia Bellido
Emory University


Claudia Bellido
Emory University

Happy coincidence I started learning Portuguese by accident. I spent the majority of my life learning Spanish as a second 

Positive Impact

Studying in Portugal was one of the best experiences of my life! I’ll always remember the friendships I made and the wonderful memories from traveling all over the country. I learned about Portuguese culture which has influenced me in profound ways that I treasure very much.

Mila Barzdukas
Emory University


Mila Barzdukas
Emory University

Positive Impact Studying in Portugal was one of the best experiences of my life! I’ll always remember the friendships I