Federal Pell Grants
Need-based grants for full-time undergraduate college students with financial needs (you must have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) below the limit determined each year – around $20,000 yearly). For the 2019–20 award year, the award is $6,195, but amounts can change yearly. More information here & here.
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
This program provides fully-funded summer intensive language and cultural experiences abroad for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students of selected critical languages, including Portuguese for advanced beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Learn more here.
Gilman International Scholarship
Meant to provide grants for U.S. undergraduate students receiving Federal Pell Grant funding in order to help them to participate in study abroad programs. Gilman awards up to $5,000 for up to one academic year. Students who are recipients of a CLS while abroad are also eligible to receive additional Gilman funding as part of the scholarship program, increasing their award amount by an additional $3,000. More information here.
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
The program provides allocations of the academic year and summer fellowships to institutions of higher education or consortia of institutions of higher education to assist meritorious undergraduate students and graduate students undergoing training in modern foreign languages and related areas or international studies.
SiPN semester and summer programs have a perfect fit for FLAS awardees. Summer participants will meet the necessary criteria of 140 contact hours by staying in Lisbon during the month of June (60 contact hours), plus July (80 contact hours). All Portuguese levels are available every semester and summer edition!
Eligibility Requirements—All Fellowship Recipients:
- Must be a citizen or national of the U.S. or a permanent resident of the U.S.
- Must be accepted for enrolment or enrolled in a FLAS-granting institution and in a program combining modern foreign language training with an area/international studies or research and training in the international aspects of professional and other fields of study.
- Must be in the intermediate or advanced study of a less commonly taught language
Overseas Program Requests—Summer
- Overseas Program Requests (OPRs) must be submitted in a timely fashion early enough to allow the IFLE program officer to consider the request to ensure that the overseas program meets program requirements (i.e., at least 30 days before the travel date)
- Overseas programs must include at least six weeks of instruction and at least 120 contact hours of language instruction for advanced level language courses and at least 140 contact hours of language instruction for beginning and intermediate level language courses
- The instruction must be performance-based (i.e., for credit or certification and with testing and grading)
- FLAS granting institutions may consider fellowship applications from students from non-FLAS granting institutions
- If students receive fellowships, however, they must enroll as a student in the FLAS granting institution and the institution must include the student in its report
- Eligible students apply for fellowships directly to an institution that has received an allocation of fellowships from the U.S. Department of Education. Each fellowship includes an institutional payment and a subsistence allowance.
Currently, the FLAS-granting institutions are:
- Indiana University
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of Florida
- University of Illinois
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Yale University
Learn more about the FLAS Fellowships here.
For more information on federal funding opportunities, visit StudentAid.gov.
For another study abroad funding opportunities and information on the subject take a look at “Scholarship Finder”.