Billing Information

Please read the following billing information carefully. How you securely send program payments to SiPN will depend on the billing scenario that pertains to you. If you are still unsure which arrangement applies to you, please contact your home school study abroad office for clarification.

Scenario 1 – The student is billed directly for all program fees.

Scenario 2 – The school is billed for a portion of the program fees, and the student is billed for the remainder.

Scenario 3 – The school is billed by SiPN for all program fees.

1. The student is billed directly for all program fees

If your school does not have a pre-existing billing agreement for your program, you will receive a bill.

Waiting on Financial Aid?

If you are unable to pay your fees by the payment due date listed on your bill because you are waiting on financial aid from your home school, we will wait until those funds are disbursed. However, you MUST complete a SiPN Financial Aid Deferral Form. You may submit the deferral request at any time, but it should be received at SiPN no later than the payment due date listed on your bill. This form does require certification from your home school financial aid office, so please be sure to allow enough time for them to complete their portion of the form. The form can then be scanned and sent to us by email at  or faxed to 001 +351 21 392-8772

If you receive a bill and believe that your school should be paying the fee, please contact your school’s study abroad office to verify their billing arrangements for your program. If they tell you that they should be receiving the bill, please have them contact SiPN Billing/Payments Coordinator at, in order to clarify the situation—this contact/explanation must come directly from your school in order for any changes to be made, and you will be held responsible for any fees for which you are billed directly unless your school notifies SiPN otherwise. SiPN is willing to sign consortium or partnership agreements to facilitate whatever billing arrangements your school requires.

You must notify SiPN’s Billing Dpt. at if you want your bill mailed to another address or contact.

If, after you receive your bill from SiPN, you are still unsure of this process or if you don’t believe that your bill correctly reflects the fees to be billed directly to you, please contact SiPN’s Billing Dpt., or via +351 21-393-5800 (Portuguese number).

Scenario 2 – The school is billed for a portion of the program fees, and the student is billed for the remainder

Many of our partner institutions will cover the Comprehensive Tuition fee for academic year programs but request the student be invoiced directly for the Comprehensive Housing Fee and/or the Summer Program Fees. If you received an invoice for one or both of these fees, then it is most likely a result of the billing arrangement with your school. If you still have questions, please contact your school’s international programs office or SiPN’s Billing Coordinator at +351 21-393-5800 or via e-mail

The two most common arrangements are:

  1. Only tuition is billed through your school, and all other fees are billed to you directly; 
  2. The students will pay SiPN the Program Deposit fee, but all other fees are billed through your school. These two scenarios are the most common, however, there are a number of different “split bill” configurations.

Waiting on Financial Aid?

If you are unable to pay your fees by the payment due date listed on your bill because you are waiting on financial aid from your home school, we will wait until those funds are disbursed. However, you MUST complete a SiPN Financial Aid Deferral Form (insert link here). You may submit the deferral request at any time, but it should be received at SiPN no later than the payment due date listed on your bill. This form does require certification from your home school financial aid office, so please be sure to allow enough time for them to complete their portion of the form. The form can then be scanned and sent to us by email at  or faxed to 001 +351 21 392-8772

If you receive a bill and believe that your school should be paying the fee, please contact your school’s study abroad office to verify their billing arrangements for your program. If they tell you that they should be receiving the bill, please have them contact SiPN Billing/Payments Coordinator at, in order to clarify the situation—this contact/explanation must come directly from your school in order for any changes to be made, and you will be held responsible for any fees for which you are billed directly unless your school notifies SiPN otherwise. SiPN is willing to sign consortium or partnership agreements to facilitate whatever billing arrangements your school requires.

Scenario 3 – The school is billed by SiPN for all program fees*

In this instance, you will be billed for all fees related to your program by your home school because SiPN has a pre-arranged billing agreement with them. In this case, you will not receive a bill for program fees from SiPN.

If you receive a bill and believe that your school should be paying the fee, please contact your school’s study abroad office to verify their billing arrangements for your program. If they tell you that they should be receiving the bill, please have them contact SiPN´s Payments Coordinator at, in order to clarify the situation—this contact/explanation must come directly from your school in order for any changes to be made, and you will be held responsible for any fees for which you are billed directly unless your school notifies SiPN otherwise. SiPN is willing to sign consortium or partnership agreements to facilitate whatever billing arrangements your school requires.


*Except the program deposit – $200 summer | $350 semester

Deposit cancelation and Changes Policies

SiPN has negotiated a special damage deposit fee for our students of  350 USD for semester students and 200 USD for summer students. If no damages are assessed to your room by the residence, then that amount will be returned to you in full within 45 days after your check-out inspection report has been received.

Damage assessments will be detailed and individually assigned to each student by the Residence. Students who are held liable for damages over this security deposit are responsible for restituting FLAD/SiPN in full before receiving their academic transcripts.

If you are not certain whether you pay the deposit or whether your school pays it on your behalf, please check with your study abroad advisor or contact SiPN at Your classes, housing, study tours, etc., will not be confirmed until this deposit is received. This deposit will be deducted from the invoice issued to you or to the institution that issues payment for you.

Depositis are made in US Dollars and must be made via PayPal.

PayPal payment instructions are as follows:

Using a valid PayPal account, send your deposit to FLAD/SiPN’s PayPal account email:

NOTE: In the message section, you must include your full name to indentify your PayPal account.  

Financial Aid

SiPN accepts all forms of financial aid and adjusts a student’s payment schedule based on disbursement dates of financial aid awards, provided the student’s home university has completed and returned a finalized Proof of Aid Verification Form (PAVF). The PAVF and any amount not covered by financial aid, as well as the $350 security deposit and any additional fees, are due by the standard payment due date.

Step 1

Upon acceptance into SiPN, contact your school’s Financial Aid Office.

Step 2

Access the Proof of Aid Verification Form (PAVF) on your SiPN account or via the Resources tab.

Step 3

Follow up regularly with your financial aid advisor to ensure that a FAVF was returned SiPN.

Step 4

Submit payment for any amount not covered by aid, any additional fees, and the $350 security deposit on or before your final payment due date.

Step 5

Make arrangements to get your financial aid funds to SiPN as soon as they are disbursed.

SiPN Terminology

SiPN form that you must have completed by your university financial aid advisor. This form tells SiPN the types of financial aid you will receive, how much your awards are, when the funds will be released, and whom they will be released to. This form enables SiPN to defer any payments that will be covered by financial aid.

An agreement between SiPN and your home university that may be required for your study abroad credits to be transferred or to allow your university to process financial aid for your study abroad trip.

The date on which your financial aid funds will be released.

A financial aid report that has not been finalized. Generally, aid is considered preliminary when: it is an estimate of what the student will receive, the financial aid has not officially been offered to the student, or the financial aid award has been offered to but not accepted by the student. SiPN cannot defer a final payment due date using preliminary aid unless special arrangements have been set up between your school and SiPN’s Billing Department (

A confirmed financial aid award as reported on the FAVF. The aid has been offered to and accepted by the student.

The person in the home university’s Financial Aid Office who completes the FAVF on behalf of the student. This is the person the student will be able to contact about their financial aid needs. Likewise, SiPN may contact this person if need be.