SiPN provides a unique range of opportunities for students looking for an international internship.
These opportunities run the gamut from placements with governmental organizations, NGOs, INGOs, or for-profit companies. The opportunities listed below provide variable academic credits through our partner universities, for a minimum commitment of 15 weeks during our semester editions (those seeking placements for longer should contact us). The majority of our placements do not require Portuguese, if students possess Portuguese language abilities than the possibilities are even greater.
Moreover, some of our internships allow for part-time placements of 10h/week during the semester, so that students could conceivably combine a part-time internship with two (preferable) or three of our regular classes.
Full-time internships require at least 20h/week over at least 15 weeks, and typically earn 12 ECTS (up to 6 US credits). All of our internship partners have been screened by SiPN and academic credits are awarded in accordance with a course syllabus developed by the instructor of record.
Take a look at the types of internships and organizations that are involved in SiPN´s Internship Program (aka SiPN´s Experiential Learning Program). Please note that these are just some examples, SiPN has many more host organization in its internship placement portfolio.